ep 17.5 Deep Dive into Eternia


Every other week this summer Fear of a Dork Planet will host an exciting Deep Dive mini episode where Erik looks a bit too hard into the abyss of pop culture. This week, his pal Rich helps him answer the question, “Is He-Man high fantasy done poorly or low fantasy done well?” They also seek to discover what He-Man slash fiction might look like, what Stinkors are really made of, and why cartoon barbarians refuse to wear pants.

ep 17.5 Deep Dive into Eternia

Ep 17 He-Man, Comedy, and Harry Dean Stanton

It’s been a long, dark week in the world, so Erik and I are trying our best to shine a light into the void…with long, awkward pauses, airplane interference and He-Man nicknames. It’s hot, we’re tired and death awaits us all. But in the meantime, Harry Dean Stanton is cool, Nicholas Sparks is a douchecanoe and maggots are never funny. We’re Hip-Stor and Ann-Gore, and we’re doing our best, baby.
Ep 17 He-Man, Comedy, and Harry Dean Stanton

Episode 16 Women, Men, and Ghostbusting Velociraptors

FearOfaDorkPlanet_DONEThe Dork Signal has been lit, the masses have cried out and been heard, and the dynamic duo of Captain RetroSexual & Lady BitchPants shall answer! Wherever there are bad movies and/or gender inequality, we shall be there, fighting the good fight, pointing and laughing, being superior and calling Nyah Nyah NyahNyah Nyah. No one is safe from our swift justice: not dinosaurs, nor sharks, nor ghosts and their busters. This week, we come from Dork Planet to take back the night!

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Send us an Email: thenovelsound@gmail.com

Episode 16 Women, Men, and Ghostbusting Velociraptors